Classroom Integration
Bring NYFPS Into Your Classroom
Teachers seeking to integrate NYFPS' program into classroom instruction select activities from the program's components to use as authentic learning experiences to help students develop and apply essential skills. They should utilize a NYFPS activity to enhance classroom lessons that support key educational initiatives. Students are engaged as they apply the concepts in real world situations or within the context of case studies (future scenes and annual topics). Since NYFPS activities are usually project-based and problem-based, integrating our program into classroom instruction allows students to further develop 21st Century Skills in the areas of critical thinking, creative problem solving, collaboration, communication, and leadership skills. Integrating FPS into your teaching also helps align your curriculum with the National Curriculum Standards and the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) Gifted Education Programming Standards.

FPS Classroom Integration Considerations
When you are planning to integrate FPS into classroom instruction, it is important to consider these three factors:
EDUCATIONAL VALUE - What does FPS add to your curriculum?
APPLICATION METHOD - How will you integrate FPS into your classroom instruction?
SUPPORTING RESOURCES - What are the resources that NYFPS offer to help you implement FPS?
EDUCATIONAL VALUE - FPS provides a six-step problem solving framework that helps develop many essential skills in students and aligns with education standards.
APPLICATION METHOD - Teachers can choose to stimulate learning through the competitive components or supplement lessons with FPS to apply concepts to the real world. Some educators choose to apply both; leveraging FPS in a broader classroom context and allowing a smaller group of motivated students to apply their learning through the competitive components.
SUPPORTING RESOURCES - Once the you have decided on the implementation method, it is important to consider the resources available to support your teaching of FPS as well as bring the FPS experience in your classroom to the next level. Explore whether an On-Site Training session fits your needs or browse through a wide range of educational manuals, materials, activities, and more as you discuss the library of FPS content with our NYFPS team after registration.
Although taking the first step may appear daunting, a thoughtful consideration of the above factors will provide a roadmap to enriching your teaching experience. Explore by clicking and visiting the below pages to help you consider the factors:
Understand the value of teaching FPS and identify which areas compliments the lessons you aim to teach in the classroom.
Decide if friendly competition is the right method to allow students to apply the teachings in a real world context.
Discover whether the non-competitive component best matches your approach and teaching goals.
Leverage the experience of NYFPS' team to help bring FPS concepts to life during a training lesson taught at your school.
FPS Activities For The Classroom
Incorporating FPS into your lessons doesn't only have to be executed through lectures; you can adapt the program activities into many creative forms. Remember to leverage all the resources available to you through NYFPS and the community. Below are some examples of FPS activities that successful NYFPS advisors have implemented from the NYFPS program into their classroom instruction:

Knowledge Cross Pollination
Knowledge exchange is a collaborative activity that allows students to share their insight with peers to obtain alternative perspectives to broaden their own understanding which requires mastery of concepts beforehand. NYFPS is part of an international network of engaged problem solvers, so educators can reach out to peers across state lines or even on the other side of the globe. A Queens, NYC school FPS class connected through video conference with a Texas FPS class to share details about their CmPS project and the impact it had on their community. This discussion allowed both the educators and students to see the broader impact of FPS.

Friendly Debates
Debates motivate students to become subject matter experts and utilize their communication skills to strategize as well as communicate an effective argument supported by facts. Teachers organize a friendly debate on an Annual Topic and assigns students to opposing sides regarding a contentious issue within the subject. Students prepare by conducting research, planning a strategy to persuade the audience, anticipating counter arguments, and articulating their position clearly. These debates can be integrated into classroom instruction to motivate students to remain engaged in understanding and retaining important concepts.

Project Management
Project management activities require students to use project management skills to plan, execute, monitor, and close a project. CmPS students have to manage the entire lifecycle of a community service project which serves to understand project management concepts, time management, as well as collaboration. Teachers can also assign Annual Topics research projects to smaller groups of students or allow student leaders assist in management of the team. Experience gained from project management activities will serve students in the classroom and in their work lives as they will be learning the same project management tools used by project managers.

Expert Engagement
Lectures and interactive sessions with subject matter experts are informative activities that engage students to learn from the perspective of an individual who specializes in the field for their careers. Teachers and students can reach out to academic experts or professionals within the fields related to the Annual Topics to extend invitations to share their subject expertise. A school in Manhattan, NYC invited a labor attorney to share insights relating to the topic of The Global Workplace. Interactive question and answer sessions help bring the themes to life for students to better understand how their research relates to the real world.

Topic Role-Play
Role-playing is a student-centered engagement activity to help students apply learning through problem-based activities that require creative solutions and practical outcomes. Students role-play scenarios developed from what they discovered through conducting research on the Annual Topics. Students can also role-play the future scenes to bring the scenes to life and more relatable. Once students have completed the six-step process, they can role-play the implementation of their Step 6 (Action Plan). These performances are also good opportunities for students to practice for the GIPS component's Performance of Action Plan (Skits Performance) Competition.

Marketing Campaigns
Campaigns to recruit new members or fundraise for the team provide an opportunity for the students to demonstrate analytical and communication skills. Students have to first gain a comprehensive understanding of FPS to be able to create effective messaging and require analytical understanding of their target audiences. Teachers assign students roles to organize lunch & learn events to introduce FPS to the broader student body or organize fundraising campaigns to help fund travel to the NYFPS State Conference. These marketing activities can be integrated into classroom instruction to provide context as students learn key presentation and communication concepts.

Knowledge Transfer
Sharing or disseminating of FPS knowledge is a student-centered engagement activity to allow students to share important concepts to other students that requires them to demonstrate their mastery of previously learned concepts. Separate groups of students study specific aspects of the FPS six-step process and come together to teach each other the areas which they now have expertise. Additionally, students who have more experience with FPS can mentor younger students to help them better understand concepts from the lens of a fellow student. Mentors can share lessons learned from previous trial and error experience.

Community Outreach
Community engagement is a collaborative activity that drives students to gain insight into their local community to broaden their own awareness of real world concepts and issues. Teachers related the Annual Topics' to relevant themes or issues within the local community in order to increase student's relation to broader concepts. Speakers from the local community can bring unique perspectives into the classroom. These interactions assist CmPS students to understand the opportunities to provide solutions. Engagement with the community can foster healthy discussion and brainstorming activities to allow students to apply abstract concepts from lessons.