NYFPS competitions offer students the opportunity to showcase their academic achievement. Standard classroom content may not adequately challenge and draw out the full potential of every student. Through competition students broaden their knowledge base, learn the value of teamwork, build relationships with like-minded peers, and develop new skillsets for success beyond the classroom. Challenge and reward your students!

New York Student Competitions
Each school year, New York students compete in three competitive components: Global Issues Problem Solving (GIPS), Community Problem Solving (CmPS), and Scenario Writing (SW). Each component is comprised of three divisions based on their school grade level. Participants only compete against peers in their respective divisions. Competitors in GIPS also compete in the Presentation of Action Plan (PoAP) event in which winning participants are awarded first through third place, but the results at the state level for this event does not determine qualification for advancement to the international competition. GIPS teams that are invited to the international competition will compete in its PoAP event. Click on the competitive components below to learn more about the details and requirement for each:

Mark You Calendars
The competitive season can be fast paced when you are not paying attention. There are important dates for registration and NYFPS' competitive components submission. The competition schedule includes exciting events such as the New York State Conference and International Conference for which participants need to plan ahead accordingly.
Competition Events
New York students in NYFPS' competitive components can look forward to three events each school year:

New York Qualifying Round
GIPS competitors complete two practice problem rounds to hone their skills and receive valuable feedback from evaluators. In this third round, students put their best foot forward as the submissions are ranked. The top five performing GIPS competitors in their respective divisions are invited to compete in the New York State Conference. All CmPS and SW competitors who have successfully submitted their entries also receive invitations to the New York State Conference.
Qualifying Round Highlights:

GIPS Packet
Students complete their packets online for qualification to attend the State Conference.

CmPS projects are submitted for evaluation ahead of the State Conference.

Scenario Writing
Scenario writers send their stories for evaluation ahead of the State Conference.

New York State Conference
Every March, FPSers who were invited during the Qualifying Round, compete at the New York State Conference. The event is an exciting opportunity for students to meet their peers from across New York. Recent State Conferences venues have included Tompkins Square Middle School, Iona Preparatory School, Molloy College, and Freeport High School.
State Conference Highlights:

GIPS State
GIPS competitors apply the problem solving skills they learned and practiced all year.

Alumni discuss their experiences and share insight into how they use FPS in their careers.

Student attendees engage the audience about the Annual Topics and NYFPS news.

Attendees have lunch with other New Yorker problem solvers and make new friends.

CmPS competitors tell attendees about how they tackled issues in their communities.

GIPS competitors perform their PoAP in front of an audience and evaluators.

Participants network with other New Yorker problem solvers and make new friends.

Competitors are recognized in an award ceremony for their hard work and achievements.

International Conference
Champions from the NY State Conference will represent the state at the five day event every June. Attendees meet FPSers from different states and countries. The event is held at the campus of a U.S. university. Recent venues have included UMass Amherst, University of Wisconsin–La Crosse, and Michigan State University.
International Conference Highlights:

Flags along with national anthems of countries and states represented at IC are celebrated.

CmPS projects from across the globe are displayed and presented to attendees.

Attendees from around the world exchange unique souvenirs to bring memories back home.

High school student leaders come together to discuss and share ideas to improve FPS.

Competitors put their problem solving skills to the test against peers from around the world.

Attendees from more than one state or country practice and perform together in a talent show.

GIPS competitors perform their PoAP in front of an audience and evaluators.

Competitors are recognized in an award ceremony for their hard work and achievements.